The Whitstable Cup

Filed under: Charities, CICs & Good Causes, Restaurants, Cafés, Bars & Catering

Package: ,

Launch date: January 19, 2020

A great scheme to provide a reusable cup for takeaway drinks to cafes and venues across Whitstable.

A cup can be purchased with a drink at any participating venue and then returned or swapped for a clean one at the same location or any of the others.

We were very pleased to be approached by Plastic Free Whitstable, the scheme’s creators, and happy to provide them with our “Good Cause” website package. This meant they were able to include all their “nice-to-haves” from the start – such as an interactive map and venue directory.

We wish them the best of luck with their visions for 2020, for Whitstable to be a town free from single-use, disposable takeaway cups.
